Lymph 1 Acute was designed to assist in the clarification process at the Extra Cellular Stage of drainage in acute cases. A blend of low potentized, Spagyrically processed herbs provide nutrition, while correcting sarcodes supply the body with the blueprint of healthy tissue. Specific homeopathic polychrests and cell salts are also included to assist in the clarification process at this level or phase. A cobalt blue bottle protects the remedy.
Each of the Lymph BioToxicosis remedies Lymph 1 Acute, Lymph 2 Matrix, Lymph 3 Chronic) is synergistically compatible with all botanicals, homeopathics and nutritionals, or can be used as a stand alone remedy. They are designed to provide biotoxicological clarification at the appropriate level to ensure well tolerated and clinically-specific lymphatic drainage. Each of the three Lymph BioToxicosis drainage remedies, given at the correct time in the sequential cycles of restorative healing, will 1) substantially reduce the challenging effects of xenobiotic translocation and reabsorption, and 2) significantly soften and often eliminate many of the symptoms of regressive retracing.