Green Light

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4 fl oz (120 mL)

Chlorophyll rich, supports hormone & digestive health.*


Green Light contains naturally occurring genistein and coumestrol, plant phytoestrogens that have estrogen-like effects in humans. These phytoestrogens are believed to be beneficial because they can tone down or mute the hypermethylation effects of excess estrogen while also providing a source of natural estrogen to women during and after menopause and may reduce estrogen-deficiency symptoms.

Saponins found in Green Light may assist in the maintenance of a robust immune response as well as helping to maintain normal cholesterol levels. Naturally occurring chlorophyll salts may assist with good kidney health and may dissolve calcium oxalates.

Chlorophyll may work effectively against anemia as it stimulates the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the body. Clinical reports indicate that chlorophyll in a liquid or tincture form is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and acts as a cellular astringent and antioxidant. Clean blood can ensure that metabolic wastes are efficiently carried away from the tissues.

Chlorophyll is considered by many to be the blood of plants because chlorophyll molecules are structurally similar to hemoglobin. The main difference is that the central molecule in humans is iron, and the central molecule in plants is magnesium.

Green Light may be indicated for acne, boils, skin ulcerations, burns, eczema, psoriasis, heavy metal and environmental toxicity, and oral, buccal, and dental abscesses.

Green Light is a hand-crafted, SPAGYRIC botanical that takes 60 to 90 days to move through a natural alchemical fermentation process, creating a highly concentrated formula.

Green Light Ingredients

  • Proprietary blend of Spagyric botanicals: 1 mL = 4,000 mg of concentrated blend **
  • Organic Barley Grass (Hordeum vulgare), 625 mg (4:1 [2500 mg])
  • Organic Chlorella pyrenoidosa (broken cell wall) (Chlorella pyrenoidosa), 125 mg (4:1 [500 mg])
  • Organic Spirulina (Spirulina platensis), 125 mg (4:1 [500 mg])
  • Organic Alfalfa leaf (Medicago sativa), 62.5 mg (4:1 [250 mg])
  • Organic Nettle leaf (Urtica dioica), 6.25 mg (4:1 [525 mg])
  • Organic Neem leaf (Azadiracta indica), 6.25 mg (4:1 [25 mg])
  • Organic Irish Moss (Chondrus crispus), 12.5 mg (4:1 [50 mg])
  • Organic Damiana leaf (Turnera diffusa), 25 mg (4:1 [100 mg])
  • Organic Parsley leaf (Carum Petroselinum), 12.5 mg (4:1 [50 mg])
  • Steam distilled water, organic cane alcohol (20%), chlorophyll.

**Percent Daily Value not established

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.